Introducing Prosper Group’s Client Relationship Booster

Find out what your clients really think – and uncover untapped business opportunities too.

Do you know how your clients really feel about the work your agency is doing for them? Are you missing relationship warning signs? Are you leaving business opportunities on the table?

Research suggests that agencies can misread their clients’ specific expectations or frustrations… or not pick up on important opportunities. Further, in our experience, clients may be more open and honest with a third party than they are with their account team or the agency owner.

The third-party discussion is a "safe zone" where clients can speak openly about the relationship, yielding insights that can lead to solving problems before they get more serious as well as identifying opportunities for growth.

That’s why Prosper Group is introducing the Client Relationship Booster. It’s a new service designed to help agencies identify the true strengths and weaknesses of select client relationships in order to build on what’s working and fix what’s not.

How the Client Relationship Booster works.

Bringing our deep industry expertise to each engagement, we conduct a series of tailored discussions with an agency’s clients, thereby providing essential know-how and third-party objectivity while also encouraging client candor.

Our process includes:

  • Agency selects five clients to be contacted (more can be added). We recommend including clients who are a) relatively new; b) preparing for contract renewal; c) represent growth potential or d) considered “problematic.”

  • Prosper Group meets (virtually) with the agency principal/executive team to tailor specific survey questions.

  • Setting up and conducting 30-minute meetings with each of the client contacts during a 2-4 week period. After these conversations, Prosper Group summarizes overall trends, issues and opportunities as well as specific input heard from each client contact.

  • Summary of Prosper Group’s findings and our recommendations are presented to agency leadership.

Keeping your clients happier… and longer.

The Client Relationship Booster is conducted by our industry veterans whose experience and insights into client relationships will be extremely valuable to your agency. Your client relationships mean everything to your business. They are your business. The new Client Relationship Booster was created to help you make sure they stay that way.

To learn more about our Client Relationship Booster, please contact us at any time.

We’re here to help you prosper.

Prosper Group exists to help the owners of independent marketing communications agencies achieve their ambitions and maximize the value of their life's work.

Our team of former agency leaders and owners focus their deep experience on implementing proven proprietary methodologies across our three practices of agency performance, owner exit planning and M&A transactions in order to drive owner and agency success.